RAILA was very much aware of my secret meeting with RUTO! OPARANYA drops a bomb and UHURU and his deep state are worried

 Saturday, April 10, 2021 – They say, in politics, there are no permanent enemies or friends and that nothing happens by accident in politics.

Well, Kakamega Governor and ODM Deputy Party Leader, Wycliffe Oparanya, has dropped a bombshell on his secret night meeting with Deputy President William Ruto at a hotel in Narok.

Speaking yesterday, Oparanya said his boss, Raila Odinga, was aware of his meeting with Ruto in what could potentially rock the handshake deal with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“Raila was initially not aware of the meeting but I called to inform him the moment I bumped into Ruto to ensure he does not hear it from third parties.”

“He then told me to proceed and meet the DP,” Oparanya said yesterday, maintaining that it was a chance meeting.

According to the ODM Deputy Party leader, they talked about the possibility of forming an alliance between Ruto and Raila ahead of 2022.

“The DP asked about how my county was doing.”

“We talked about possible alliances, which only the party leadership can sanction.”

“But don’t forget there are no permanent friends and enemies in politics, only interests,” the governor said.

“I had no permission from Raila to discuss a possible coalition with Ruto but, of course, at the end of the day, we want to form and be in the next government,” he said, adding the DP wanted their support in the next elections.

The ODM party has lately warmed up to the idea of working with DP Ruto and its senior members say if that’s what it would take to avenge a ‘potential betrayal’, so be it.

The DP’s allies too have no problem working with Mr. Odinga, save for the concerns that he has the potential of scaring away the Central Kenya base, President Uhuru Kenyatta’s backyard, which has largely warmed up to Dr. Ruto.

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