RAILA’s man, PHILIP ETALE, now reveals OPARANYA’s covert mission during the secret meetings with DP RUTO

 Saturday, April 17, 2021 – ODM Communications Director Phillip Etale has revealed the true intent of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya’s numerous meetings with Deputy President William Ruto.

This is after the recent meetings between Oparanya and the DP sparked rumuors of his possible defection, prompting ODM to set the record straight about the county head’s political position.

According to Etale, Oparanya has been on a covert mission on behalf of Raila Odinga.

He claimed that Oparanya’s covert mission was to read the political moves Ruto was making and report back to Raila so that the ODM leader could counter him and be some steps ahead.

Etale further refuted claims that Oparanya has been meeting Ruto secretly for the last 2 years to plan on dumping Raila. 

He has met the DP more than 4 times in 2 years.

During the past interview, Ruto confirmed that he has numerously met with Oparanya to discuss a possible political coalition.

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