REVEALED: The senior job that the husband to the murdered Senior KBC journalist, BETTY BARASA, holds in the Government.

 Friday, April 9, 2021 – George Barasa, the husband to the murdered KBC journalist, Betty Barasa, holds a senior job in Government.

It has been established that Mr. Barasa is the Head of Finance at the National Museums of Kenya.

According to Mr. Barasa, the gunmen who killed his wife were wearing masks and industrial gloves, even as detectives piece together information to unravel the shocking murder.

Barasa revealed that when the gunmen stormed his house, they ordered everyone to lie down and frogmarched his wife upstairs.

His deceased wife repeatedly begged the gangsters to spare her life but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

After killing his wife, they took him around the house, insisting that they wanted money, and even robbed him of his wedding ring.

“One of them, holding the weapon on my neck, ordered me to lift my left hand. I did and he removed the wedding ring. That was when I heard two gunshots. The thug who was outside made a call and said they had ‘finished the work,” Barasa said.

Kajiado North Sub-County commander, Rashid Mohammed, said that it was not an ordinary robbery, adding that a joint team of detectives has launched investigations.

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