RUTO forced back to the drawing board as residents reject his UDA point man – We will vote for RAILA if you don’t replace him accordingly

 Friday, April 2, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has been dealt a career-threatening blow in his bid to rally support for his 2022 presidential bid.

This is after his supporters rejected his United Democratic Alliance point man for the Western region.

Addressing the press, Ruto’s supporters in Luo Nyanza made a special plea to the second in command concerning the party leadership.

They first rejected former ANC party member Eliud Owalo as their Nyanza party regional coordinator. 

They accused him of among others arrogance, not aligning to the party agenda, and positioning himself with old cronies to con the DP.

They further called on Dr. Ruto to replace him with the Kapseret legislator, Oscar Sudi, pointing to his lack of wherewithal to mount serious mobilization.

“Many members rejected him way back before because of self-interest.”

“He is bringing in his cronies and trying to elbow out genuine pioneers of this project.”

“He is also positioning his people to strategically con the DP.”

“He is only known as a social media politician and cannot do any serious mobilization,” Christopher Otieno, a member of the Kisumu chapter stated.

“We demand to work with only one founder member, Mr. Oscar Sudi,” he added.

The youths demanded a bona fide member of the party who understands its mandate and is not from Nyanza, declaring a preference for one from the Rift Valley.

“If the structure of the party is that we have a regional coordinator who can link the grassroots to the party, we are appealing to the party headquarter to give us somebody not from Nyanza, but from the Rift Valley because they are going to be the direct beneficiaries of what we are doing,” another member stated.

“Owalo has slowed us down. He is the person that has hampered our movement,” he added.

They added that the sole cause of the movement was to see the DP ascend to power as the fifth President, a thing Owalo seemed to be deviating away from.

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