Senator MILLICENT OMANGA blasts DCI boss, GEORGE KINOTI, for trying to intimidate Citizen TV and PURITY MWAMBIA over Gun Galore expose

 Wednesday, April 21, 2021 – Nominated Jubilee Party Senator, Millicent Omanga, has criticized the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), George Kinoti, for trying to intimidate Citizen TV and investigative journalist, Purity Mwambia, over the Gun Galore expose that showed how police rent guns and uniforms to criminals.

The expose, which has been hailed locally and internationally, revealed how rogue Kenya police officers rent guns to criminals at a fee.

On Tuesday, Kinoti issued a presser and poured cold water on the documentary saying it was all lies.

He went further and stated that his office will summon Citizen TV editors and all those who were involved in the production of the documentary, including Purity Mwambia.

Reacting to the DCI’s threats, Omanga, on Wednesday, said Kinoti should instead congratulate Purity for a good job instead of harassing her and Citizen TV.

“Instead of commending Citizen TV for a well-executed job, the DCI is in denial and is now executing an intimidation strategy against Citizen TV and media in general. 

“No one likes competition, including Kinoti,” Omanga wrote on her Twitter page.

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