Stop panicking, RAILA and RUTO are not uniting ahead of 2022 – ORENGO tells UHURU and the deep state as he assures them the handshake is firm


Monday, April 12, 2021 – Senate Minority leader, James Orengo, has moved to allay fears of the possibility of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto teaming up ahead of the 2022 General Election; something that is giving President Uhuru Kenyatta and the deep state sleepless nights.

Speaking over the weekend, Orengo insisted that those talking of a possible alliance between Odinga and the Deputy President are only speculating because that is never going to happen.

He maintained that the handshake between Raila and President Uhuru Kenyatta is firm and it stands on a solid foundation like the rock that Jesus and his disciples built the Church of Christ on.

According to Orengo, the handshake and the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) are built on the basis of having a united, prosperous and a great Democratic Republic called Kenya, and those speculating its death should tone down.

He added that the script Raila and Uhuru Kenyatta are reading from is that of bringing unity, stability, and peace to the country without involving the 2022 succession.

“The unity built on the basis of the handshake between Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta is firm.”

“That unity stands on a rock like the rock in which Jesus and his disciples built the Church of Christ,” stated Orengo.

“Those who are reading between the lines are reading it wrongly, they are speculating, they are posturing in terms of political alliances but if they go back to the original script of His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Amollo Odinga was to bring unity, stability and peace to this country without thinking about 2022.”

“That handshake and BBI is not supposed to throw leaders into positions of leadership.”

“The rock on which BBI stands is building a united, prosperous and a great democratic republic called Kenya and I hope that those who are speculating will come back to the real issues,” he added.

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