Troubled even in death as families of the late MATIANG’I’s bodyguard and that of his slain wife go for each other’s throats over where the two should be buried


Saturday, April 10, 2021 – The families of Hudson Wakise, a GSU officer attached to Interior CS Fred Matiang’i’s office, and that of his wife, Pauline Wekesa, are clashing on where the latter should be buried.

The couple was involved in a domestic row that saw Wakise shoot his wife dead before he turned the gun on himself. 

Autopsy results revealed that Pauline was shot seven times, three bullets on her chest and four on her arm. Injuries on her arm showed that there could have been a struggle before she died.

While the GSU officer’s family wants Pauline to be buried next to Wakise in Taita Taveta County where he hails from, Pauline’s family is insisting that she should be buried at her rural home in Kakamega County.

“They are our children and the tragedy has already happened.”

“We wanted to bury them both here,” a family member of Wakise stated.

However, due to the circumstances that led to Pauline’s death, her family remains adamant that she will be buried on Saturday, April 10, at her home in Kakamega.

Relatives who spoke to the media disclosed that the couple had separated a few days earlier after Pauline found out that Wekise was unfaithful.

“Our sister (Pauline) moved out of their house on Sunday and came to stay with us with her children.”

“We actually helped her move that day,” the kin narrated.

“She had found a string of chats on his phone, which made her believe that he was cheating on her,” a kin narrated.

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