UHURU once again regrets being the president and why he joined politics in the first place as he complains to his family about his job (VIDEO)

 Friday, April 9, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is a very unhappy man and is now wishing he never joined politics in the first place let alone running for president and being elected to office.

According to a video that has just emerged, Uhuru complained bitterly about his job at a private family function.

The video was taken as President Uhuru was attending a private funeral service for one of his nieces, Yvonne Muthoni, in December 2020.

He recalled his younger days when he would holiday with his fallen niece together with his children – adding that he no longer had the opportunity after he became a politician – a career he described as “useless”. 

“The most telling moment was when this unfortunate incident happened and how it touched in a very intense way every single one of our 5 remaining siblings.”

“The love they had for each other, the care, the wonderful times that we shared as a family.”

“Many many holidays we spent together before I got into this useless world of politics,” the head of state stated as the crowd laughed.

The president was speaking on behalf of the departed’s uncles and aunts, reminiscing on the good moments that they had before her death. Muthoni was the daughter of First Lady Margaret Kenyatta’s sister, Gabriela Gakuo. 

It is not the first time the president has admitted missing his private life before his entry into Kenyan politics.

In a previous interview on Churchill show, the president noted that he would go into entertainment joints without people noticing him.

“I would be sitting here getting my drink and nobody would be noticing me,” he told comedian Churchill during a past interview. 

While vying for the Presidency in 2002, one of the criticisms that Uhuru faced was that he was an unwilling project by then Daniel Arap Moi. 

Moi is reported to have pushed him out of the quiet business world into the murky world of politics. 

Watch the video below;-

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