UHURU, RAILA, MUDAVADI, KALONZO, and GIDEON MOI are all afraid of RUTO – Tanga Tanga politicians reveal why everyone is scared of the DP

 Wednesday, April 7, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto’s allies have laughed off new political formations aimed at scuttling the DP’s presidential bid, saying they will be in for a rude shock.

According to them, they are ready to face political formations that their rivals are forging ahead of the 2022 General Elections.

The Tanga Tanga politicians are confident that they have built a strong battalion of politicians. Besides, they have ordinary Kenyans who will help Ruto to beat everybody in the next year’s polls.

Sources intimate that Ruto has decided to distance himself from tribal kingpins. Instead, he has focused on the youth to promote the hustler narrative.

According to Ruto’s close allies, this strategy would make him a more attractive presidential candidate to ordinary Kenyans.

The Deputy President will battle the One Kenya alliance, an alliance of Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula, and Kalonzo Musyoka which has the backing of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has not yet declared that he will run for presidency once more. However, sources claim that he is secretly crafting his presidential team.

“Ruto can face off with any coalition or alliance, be it Mudavadi, Gideon, Wetangula, and Kalonzo, or even Raila,” Benjamin Washiali, the Mumias East MP, said.

He also said that tribal groupings are no longer viable in Kenya.

“People say Ruto is isolated, and we wonder if indeed they live in Kenya.”

“What value will the One Kenya Alliance add to each other?”

“They do not have numbers.”

“Anyway, we are ready for whichever candidate they settle on,” Washiali said.

Additionally, the MP said that the rivals would not be ganging up against Ruto if they were not afraid of him.

On his part, Soy MP Caleb Kositany expressed his confidence in Ruto, saying the DP was not tribal.

He noted that the DP is focusing on issues that affect ordinary Kenyans instead of leaning on tribal groupings.

“The idea that you must have so and so on your side to win is outdated,” Kositany said.

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