A Kenyan family finds out that their sister, who has been missing since last year, was buried secretly by rogue staff at KNH.


Saturday, May 8, 2021– Read this emotional post by a heartbroken Kenyan narrating how they discovered that their sister, Spencier Killong, who has been missing since last year, was secretly buried by rogue staff at Kenyatta National Hospital.

Good day, good People,

We, the Killong’s would like to take this chance to announce the death of our beloved daughter and sister, Spencier Killong and to also briefly explain the circumstances around her demise.

We last heard from our sister on 22/12/2020.

We became suspicious when her phone went off and she didn’t send any Christmas or new year’s messages. We mounted a search among relatives and friends as her landlord and neighbors in Nrb also claimed not to have seen her at her house since Dec 20th, 2020.

We officially reported to Police, on Jan/5/2021.And many times after.

After that, we’ve been working with DCI headquarters trying to trace her.

The family also severally visited Mbagathi hospital, Kenyatta hospital and mortuary and even city mortuary to no avail.

We even went to Mathare hospital and all prisons.

We’ve also used print and social media all this while.

It has since been reported that on 24th last Month the CID office that were investigating the matter visited Kenyatta National Hospital since they had a suspect in their custody in possession of Spe’s missing phone.

Upon interrogation, the culprit led the police back to Kenyatta National Hospital where the suspect alleged that she was a patient in KNH next to our late sister before she got discharged. It’s there that the suspect stole our sister’s phone.

The DCI office asked Kenyatta to verify the allegations and the DCI office were asked to do an official inquest to Kenyatta National Hospital for a comprehensive report. The DCI office submitted the official inquest to Kenyatta Hospital on 26th April.

Kenyatta Hospital disregarded the inquest and instead went ahead hurriedly and suspiciously buried our sister on 27th April. They then informed the DCI that indeed they had a patient by those names and that she was dead and had been and been buried the previous day.

A fact that KNH had all along denied knowledge of whom she is. The manner in which she was buried leaves alot to be desired. 

We have obtained the burial permit that they allegedly used and other hospital records with suspicious gaps that can only mean there was foul play and cover-up, which we can’t share as this is a matter before the Courts.

We’re still following up with the investigation with a goal of:

1. Exhuming our sister to bring her for a decent burial at home.

2. Thorough autopsy to know the cause of her death and the reason for such malicious cover up by KNH.

We will give an official statement on date of burial based on the verdict of the Courts where we have gone to seek redress.

For our friends and relatives who know us,it’s difficult to lose two siblings in a span of four months. Keep us in your prayers.

Peace of Christ be upon you all.

Thank you.

Here’s a photo of the deceased lady Spencier Kilong.

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