After MAINA KAMANDA’s betrayal, MURATHE speaks about UHURU’s choice in 2022 – The writing is on the wall for RAILA ODINGA.

 Monday, May 3, 2021 – Jubilee Party Vice-chairman, David Murathe, has joined nominated MP Maina Kamanda in betraying former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

For the last two years, Murathe and Kamanda have been saying that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s preferred successor in 2022 is none other than Raila Odinga.

However, over the weekend, Murathe changed tune and said Uhuru has no preferred candidate in 2022.

According to Murathe, Uhuru’s attention is currently on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) and not the 2022 succession politics.

This is quite a major change of tune from his last year’s declaration that 2022 would be Raila’s Mandela moment.

Also, Maina Kamanda said on Inooro TV that Uhuru has no preferred candidate in 2022.

“Mr. Kamau, why are people running all over ‘saying that I have supported Raila’s 2022 bid? 

“Am I the region’s spokesman? We as Mt Kenya region do what President Uhuru Kenyatta directs us and as of now, never be cheated that the Kikuyu Region has endorsed someone ahead of 2022,” Kamanda told program host Kamau Kangethe.

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