AMOS KIMUNYA surprises MUTURI as he tells him to his face that he is not the Mt. Kenya Spokesman – You are just an elder!

 Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – Majority Leader in the National Assembly, Amos Kimunya, has sent indications that he is on his way out of the Jubilee Party, going by the sentiments he made on Wednesday.

Kimunya, during an interview with Radio Citizen, said the Saturday coronation of Speaker Justin Muturi as Mt Kenya spokesman in Mukuru wa Nyagathanga’s shrine in Murang’a, was inconsequential since he is not the region‘s political kingpin.

According to Kimunya, the whole process was rather traditional hence had no political insinuations. 

Explaining in detail, he suggested that the speaker was just chosen as an ‘elder’ in the region hence qualified to sit with the joint elders from Embu, Meru, and Kikuyu regions.

“The process was not political, it was rather a traditional event hence had nothing to do with political kingpins… Uhuru is still the spokesperson of the GEMA region. 

“The speaker Justin Muturi is from Embu, both elders from Embu, Meru and Kikuyu have accepted and chosen him as an elder to unite these three sub regions.” Kimunya, who is also the Kipipiri MP, stated.

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