Big boost to RUTO as an influential Mt Kenya leader joins the ‘hustler movement’ – UHURU’s Jubilee is now an empty shell!

 Monday, May 3, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto’s presidential bid in 2022 has received a huge boost after an influential Mt Kenya leader joined the ‘hustler nation’.

Commenting on social media on Sunday, former Mukurweini MP, Kabando wa Kabando, said he has joined Ruto’s bandwagon ahead of the 2022 presidential duel.

Kabando also praised Ruto’s economic model dubbed ‘Bottom-Up Economic Model‘ saying this is one of the things that has made him support the second in command.

“I’ve this yr met @WilliamsRuto3 times. Met my friend @DrMukhisaKituyi more times. 

“The last 2 yrs met in detail all ‘headlined’ today’s @NationAfrica, but @MoiGideonwas brief happenstance. 

“Sessions at DP’s office garden conversed ‘BottomUP’ economic paradigm shift. I support this,” Kabando wrote on his Twitter page.

The former outspoken lawmaker also defended Ruto over claims of corruption saying even after being sidelined by President Uhuru Kenyatta some scandals have happened like Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) scandal and major demolitions supervised by the gluttonous executive.

“In politics ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Since Ruto “left” Uhuru’s inner circle, nay was isolated, those who claimed Ruto was the only problem in JP have LOOTED KEMSA, VIOLENTLY EVICTED POOR RESIDENTS coz of their INCORRIGIBLE GLUTTONY, FAKED BBI. 

“They want to rule forever?,” Kabando wrote on his Twitter page.

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