Catholic Church urges UHURU and RAILA ODINGA to hold the BBI referendum after the 2022 presidential poll – LOOK!

 Saturday, May 29, 2021 – The Catholic Church has urged President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader, Raila Odinga, to hold the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) referendum after the August 2022 presidential elections to give Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) ample time to conduct the two exercises.

In a statement on the state of the nation released at the Marian National Shrine in Subukia, Nakuru County on Wednesday, the church said as the fate of BBI awaits the conclusion of a court process, the country should shift focus to the General Election.

Through their newly elected Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Most Reverend Martin Kivuva, the church noted that the court process could drag for months, making it impossible to hold a referendum before the elections.

“We demand that the August 2022 General Election proceeds as provided in the Constitution, and no thought of postponing it to a later date should be entertained whatsoever,” Kivuva said on behalf of Bishops.

Kivuva also reminded politicians of the sacredness of places of worship and urged them to respect such.

“We wish that our churches and places of worship be fully respected by excluding anything outside worship from the sanctuary,” read the statement.

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