Deep State in panic as UHURU faces imminent impeachment after yesterday’s landmark ruling by a five-judge bench – He never saw this coming

 Friday, May 14, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta’s impeachment now looms after yesterday’s court ruling that stopped BBI, in which 5 judges indicted him for flaunting the Constitution, which he swore to protect and defend.

In their judgment, the High Court judges accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of failing to respect, uphold and safeguard the Constitution and to that extent, falling short of the leadership and integrity threshold set in the Constitution. 

According to the judges, Uhuru and not a regular citizen was the initiator of the BBI and this contravened the laws as the President does not have a Constitutional mandate to initiate amendments through a popular initiative. 

They opened doors for lawsuits against Uhuru after declaring that the President can be sued in his or her personal capacity during his or her tenure in office, for anything done contrary to the Constitution. 

BBI Secretariat was also declared illegal as it was an initiative of the President while all actions taken by IEBC in respect to the Constitution Amendment Bill 2020 were ruled as null and void.

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