Defiant LSK President NELSON HAVI now dares incoming Chief Justice, MARTHA KOOME, to do her worst and vows never to bend the knee for her


Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – The differences between Law Society of Kenya President Nelson Havi and Chief Justice nominee, Martha Koome, have taken another turn after Havi dared her to do her worst.

Speaking yesterday, Havi vowed never to retract his initial statement on Koome’s nomination as the CJ and will not apologize either.

Koome had initially issued a statement seeking Havi to issue an apology for what she termed as content aimed at tarnishing her name.

Havi, however, in a defiant move, maintained his stance and affirmed that he would not issue an apology to the CJ nominee.

“I need not say more on the question as to whether the reputation of Justice Koome has been lowered in the minds of right-thinking members of the Kenyan society in particular: commissioners of JSC, judges, judicial officers and advocates.”

“It’s unfortunate that after praising the almighty for her rise to the pinnacle of the legal profession, she appears to be starting on a wrong note. 

“You will be a threat to free speech and democracy if you persist on this course,” Havi stated.

Havi had disputed Koome’s ability to serve as the country’s chief justice.

LSK president questioned Koome’s past cases alleging that she was unable to act independently without favoritism and without proper motives.

He also accused Koome of not being transparent or accountable as a judge.

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