Did Police Boss HILLARY MUTYAMBAI collapse after BBI reggae was stopped last Thursday – New details emerge?

 Wednesday, May 19, 2021 – Inspector General of Police, Hillary Mutyambai, has been hospitalized for six days, though the police have kept his illness under wraps.

According to sources, Mutyambai was rushed to Aga Khan Hospital on Thursday last week when he fell ill. He was immediately admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Two days later he was transferred to the High dependency Unit (HDU).

On Monday he was taken to the general ward at the same facility.

Senior ranking officers declined to comment on the matter. Some claimed they were unaware of Mutyambai’s hospitalization.

Others said the IG had been away from the office for a couple of days before he was taken ill. 

He had been seeking medical attention.

It is alleged that Mutyambai developed breathing problems just immediately after a five-Judge bench ruling that declared the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill as unconstitutional.

It is not yet clear whether the BBI ruling affected Mutyambai’s health.

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