Don’t listen to UHURU, I am the next Kikuyu President after him – KABOGO shocks Kenyans as he disagrees with UHURU completely ahead of 2022


Sunday, May 16, 2021 – Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo has disagreed with President Uhuru Kenyatta over the 2022 general elections.

Speaking during an interview, Kabogo stated that the Mt. Kenya people had a right to front a candidate for the top seat, adding that the presidency should not be based on ethnicity but rather qualifications.

“I don’t agree with President Uhuru Kenyatta that the Kikuyu community should not field a presidential candidate next year.”

“I don’t think someone should look at me in terms of a community.”

“I am an individual candidate and my name will be on the ballot.”

“Mt Kenya region can produce a presidential candidate after which we can negotiate with other leaders as we head into 2022,” he said.

Uhuru went on record during the burial of ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi’s mother, stating that the presidency should go to a different community.

“They have been talking about being tired of families. What if I also said that two tribes (Kikuyus and Kalenjins) have held the presidency hence the need to allow others the chance,” Uhuru posed.

The former County boss also hinted at vying for the top seat, saying he will make his move at the right time.

“If I want to be president I will stand because the Constitution of Kenya allows me to… Why do you want to make people happy elsewhere because they know I have left the arena of Kiambu?”

“I have a chance of becoming the next president, please don’t take that away from me.”

“It is my right if I want to, but at the moment 2022 August is one and a half years away, is a very long time… Let’s see how it unfolds, don’t make Nyoro and Waititu happy,” he said.

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