Enough of infighting! RUTO now begs UHURU and RAILA to put their egos aside and come to the dialogue table after BBI reggae stopped

 Friday, May 28, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto extended an olive branch to President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga during the National Prayer Breakfast held at Parliament Buildings yesterday.

The DP has had a rough time with Uhuru and Raila since the famous March 2018 handshake between the two that culminated in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, an embattled Ruto, who previously admitted he had been humiliated by Uhuru and his allies ever since shaking hands with Raila, sought a political truce stating it was time to reason together.

According to the DP, it was time for him, Uhuru and Raila to take a different dance from the usual devoid of machinations, chest-thumping, and brinkmanship for the sake of the country.

Ruto called for a national dialogue now that his Tanga Tanga tours no longer exist and BBI reggae has stopped thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and the High Court ruling.

“So much has happened, but as things stand today, the Tanga Tanga tours are no longer there, and the BBI reggae has stopped. Maybe God is telling us to come; let us reason together,” Ruto said.

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