Here are the Top 10 best-performing governors in Kenya – Number 2 has left Kenyan talking!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021 – A new survey conducted by Mizani Africa has shown how 47 county governors have been performing since they were elected in office in 2017.

Though most governors are lords of corruption, the report shows 10 governors have been engaged in service delivery instead of embezzling public money like their counterparts.

In the survey, Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki was ranked as the best governor with 79.7 percent with Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru taking second place with 79.4 percent.

Here is a list of Top Ten governors according to Mizani Africa.

1. Muthomi Njuki -Tharaka Nithi -79.7 %

2. Anne Waiguru – Kirinyaga- 79.4%

3. Stephen Arap Sang- Nandi- 79.0%

4 Ali Hassan Joho- Mombasa- 78.9%

5 Anyang Nyongo-Kisumu- 78.5%

6. James Nyoro- Kiambu- 78.4%

7 Samboja Graham-Taita- 78.0%

8. Lee Kinyanjui – Nakuru- 77.9%

9. Alfred Mutua – Machakos -77.7%

10. Sospeter Ojaamong – Busia – 77.5%

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