Here is AMOS KIMUNYA’s message to RUTO and his ‘Hustler Nation’ after BBI sailed through in Parliament – The DP’s goose is cooked

 Saturday, April 8, 2021 – Kipipiri MP, Amos Kimunya, has sent a message to Deputy President William Ruto and his so-called ‘hustler nation’ after the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill was passed by Parliament on Thursday.

 During the voting, 233 MPs voted in support of the Bill while 83 MPs opposed the bill.

The majority of those who opposed the bill are close allies of Ruto.

Commenting after BBI’s triumph in Parliament, Kimunya, who is also Majority Leader in the National Assembly, said he hopes Ruto and his ‘wheelbarrow gang’ will now start respecting the president after the embarrassment in Parliament on Thursday.

“Those who have been promised wheelbarrows in future must read the mood. 

“We hope their leader has seen the light and will stop defying the president. 

“If he continues with his defiance, these numbers give us confidence and we could escalate things to the next step,” Kimunya said.

Kimunya‘s message was construed to mean that they have numbers to impeach the DP if he continues disrespecting the President.

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