Here’s a young man from Dandora, who was among the 5 gangsters who were gunned down by detectives in Kakamega (PHOTOs)

 Wednesday, May 19, 2021 – A middle-aged man from Dandora identified as Kachee is among the 5 gangsters who were gunned down by detectives in Kakamega yesterday.

According to an undercover cop, Kachee is a former driver at Kenya Pipeline Company.

He left the company after he reportedly conspired with his gang members to rob his boss and even shot him in the leg during the robbery incident.

He was running a bodaboda business in Dandora after he was fired and according to reports; his boda-bodas are used by thugs to commit crimes in the area.

Kachee was behind the wheels when the car that they were driving in with his gang members was sprayed with bullets in Kakamega after detectives trailed them.

See his photos and the information shared by the undercover cop.

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