IEBC declares PAVEL OIMEKE as the winner of Bonchari by-election – ODM is still the popular party in Nyanza


Wednesday, May 19, 2021 – The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has today declared Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party candidate, Pavel Oimeke, as the winner of the Bonchari by-election that was held on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021.

Oimeke won with 8,049 votes defeating his closest challenger, Zebedeo Opore of the ruling Jubilee Party, who managed 7,279 votes.

Teresa Oroo, who vied on the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party, was third with 6,964 votes.

13 candidates were on the ballot to succeed Oroo Oyioka who succumbed to COVID-19 in February.

Oimeke, who formerly headed the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), defeated his 12 competitors and was declared the new MP for Bonchari to replace Oyioka.

On Tuesday, Oimeke had to wade through what he described as the’ sweltering heat of intimidation and harassment of many of his supporters to secure sweet victory’.

ODM party leader, Raila Odinga has already congratulated Oiemeke for winning the seat.

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