Is this sycophancy or real madness? See how Lurambi MP, who is also a bishop, threw himself to the ground and rolled EMBARAMBAMBA style

 Friday, May 28, 2021 – Lurambi MP Titus Khamala has taken sycophancy to a whole new level that only crazy Kisii gospel musician Chris Embarambamba would understand.

This is after he threw himself to the ground and rolled in the mud like a pig just to persuade mourners to support ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi’s presidential ambitions.

Khamala, who is an ordained bishop and an owner of a church, left mourners in stitches when dived to the ground and rolled several times as if performing to Embarambambara’s hit song Bend This Way as he drummed up support for his ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi.

In his address, Khamala strongly lashed out at Mulembe leaders who throw their weight behind other political hopefuls from other regions but are blind to one of their own whenever he throws his hat in the ring.

“Some of you don’t want to support our own Mudavadi, but ironically, you are also not willing to field yourselves as the presidential candidates.”

“What do you want? I think it is prudent you let us support Mudavadi, who has a conscience,” Khamala said in his vernacular language before dropping to the ground and rolled like a pig in the mud, leaving the mourners in stitches.

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