It is not over for BBI until UHURU and RAILA say so! See what they have instructed the BBI team to do after the High Court declared it null and void

 Saturday, May 15, 2021 – It appears that President Uhuru Kenyatta and his handshake partner, Raila Odinga, are not giving up on BBI just yet after the High Court declared it null and void.

The two principals are said to have instructed their BBI team to take action against the ruling that rendered BBI unconstitutional.

In a press briefing yesterday, BBI Secretariat Chairman Junet Mohammed and the team vowed to appeal a ruling made by a five-bench judge.

Junet stated that the team would continue to promote the constitutional amendments bill until it was ratified by Kenyans.

The strongly-worded judgment delivered by the court implied that the BBI team itself was an illegal entity.

“As law abiding leaders, we respect the decision of the courts but we don’t agree with it.”

“We are setting up a legal team to look into and appeal the ruling. In the meantime, we assure all Kenyans who believe in the BBI and its promise not to give up. It’s not over yet,” Junet stated.

Junet added that an earlier ruling by the courts indicated that the task force was properly and legally constituted.

He alleged that a section of the political class and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) had tried to stop Kenyans from having their say on the BBI by way of a referendum.

“These are beneficiaries of the status quo who are determined to stand on the way of reforms.”

“This is an unholy marriage between Tanga tanga, civil society and a section of the judiciary.”

“We note the celebration of the ruling by politicians and civil society operators who have dismissed BBI from the word go.”

“These politicians ignore the fact that 4 million Kenyans signed the BBI amendment bill,” he said.

Junet also stated that the ruling focused on the task force and deliberately ignored the secretariat and promoters of the bill.

“We will fight to the bitter end for that dream to be realized.”

“We need your support so that more money can go to the Counties, we need your support so that we can end election violence, and we need your support so that we can end corruption in our Country.”

“We need your support so that we can fight corruption and so that we can have shared prosperity.”

“This are not political issues but daily life and death issues affecting millions of our people,” he stated.

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