JEMUTAI exposed as an extortionist after it emerged that she denied PROF. HAMO was her baby daddy 3 years ago when she was financially stable (LOOK).


Sunday, May 2, 2021 – Fast fading comedian, Jemutai, has been labeled as an extortionist after it emerged that she denied that Professor Hamo was her baby daddy during a past interview.

Jemutai was interviewed by a popular local daily 3 years ago and during the interview, she vehemently denied that she was in a romantic affair with Hamo.

She further denied that Hamo was the father to her kids.

“I am not in a relationship with Hamo but rather in a serious affair with someone who is not in the showbiz limelight.

” He is also not my baby daddy but rather a fellow comedian from whom I have been learning a lot,” she said in 2018 when she was at the top of her career.

Three years on, she is busy labeling Hamo a deadbeat dad after going broke and claiming that he doesn’t support their two kids.

It’s for this reason that Netizens have labeled her an extortionist for trying to use innocent kids to extort money from Hamo.

Hamo has since confirmed that he is the biological father of the kids and revealed that he provides for them, contrary to Jemutai’s allegations that he is a deadbeat dad.

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