JKUAT student who was shot while trespassing State House shows bullet wounds and writes this shocking message – This man needs help (PHOTOs).


Saturday, 15 May 2021 – Life has never been the same again for Brian Kibet Bera ever since he was shot and wounded while trying to trespass State House two years ago.

After the dramatic incident that was highly publicized, the 27-year-old man, who was pursuing a Mechanical Engineering Course at JKUAT, dropped out of the campus and became a drug addict.

Brian now calls himself a prophet.

He preaches to his Facebook followers and begs for tithes and offerings.

The seemingly depressed young man posted photos showing the bullet wounds on his body and wrote a shocking message that reads:

 “The bullet wounds when I was shot at State House.The smaller one, entry of bullet.

“The larger one, exit of bullet.The mark of my circumcision to the Lord.

“The bullet passed under the bones but never broke a bone. 

“It is written, “none of his bones shall be broken,”

This young man needs help ASAP!

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