Justice NDUMA NDERI stammers during JSC interviews as Acting CJ MWILU catches him off-guard with questions – He wished the ground could open and swallow him

 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – Justice Nduma Nderi found himself in unfamiliar territory when he was hard-pressed to answer questions from the Judicial Service Commissioner – acting Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, during his interview for the position of Supreme Court Judge.

Mwilu put Nduma to task over various issues regarding jurisdiction and cases of judgment.

“The court has a jurisdiction that is original and which it has yet to exercise, which would this be?” Mwilu prompted.

“Eeeerm…the court… let’s see… I know I have it (the answer) my Lord but it keeps eluding me,” Nduma answered.

Further, Mwilu picked the judge’s brain on past cases dealing with jurisdiction and their judgment. 

“Still on jurisdiction, the court has determined matters on, as one of its purposes to create rich and indigenous jurisprudence, it has determined a very important case on traditions or something to do with traditions, would my Lord know what that case would be and what the issue was?” Mwilu asked.

“Mmmh on traditions…” Nduma hesitated on Mwilu’s query. 

“Maybe tradition is the wrong word, let me give you the case and see whether you can give us the determination by the court and it is the case of Isaiah. If I go any further, I will be giving you the answer,” said the acting CJ. 

“I seem not to recall,” said Nduma. “Let’s just leave it there,” Mwilu stated.

Justice Nduma Nderi, an acclaimed Employment and Labour Relations Court judge, has amassed over 30 years in the legal profession.

Justice David Marete Njagi and his counterpart Said Chitembwe faced the panel on Monday, May 3.

The remaining candidates include Dr. Patrick Lumumba, Justices William Okello, Joseph Kiplagat and lawyer Alice Yano.

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