Kenya High School was not the best school in Kenya! KNEC now disowns the ranking of top schools in the 2020 KCSE and terms the list as fake

 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 – The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has disowned the list ranking top schools in the KCSE results that were released yesterday.

In a statement, the examination body stated that the list released for top schools and which had been circulated widely on social media was fake.

KNEC further advised the public to ignore the list circulating adding that it did not commission the ranking.

“We wish to advise the public to ignore lists circulating in social media purported to be the genuine ranking of KCSE Examination results.”

“The Council has not ranked schools in the results released. All lists are therefore fake,” KNEC noted.

In the now disputed list, Kenya High School was ranked the top school with a mean score of 10.467 followed by Kapsabet Boys with 10.11.

The Ministry of Education observed that ran­king in­di­vi­du­al stu­dents and scho­ols cre­a­ted fier­ce com­pe­ti­tion which so­me­ti­mes le­d to de­par­tu­re from te­aching to pre­pa­ra­tion for pas­sing exa­mi­na­tions and che­a­ting.

Likewise, ranking of students made the we­ak ones be re­gis­te­red in the low ran­ked scho­ols furt­her lo­we­ring their me­an sco­res and af­fec­ted pro­mo­tions to se­nior po­si­tions.

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