LEDAMA OLE KINA reveals the ‘mad’ lawmakers behind the “revolution against UHURU in Mt Kenya region’’ – You won’t believe the names!

 Thursday, May 27, 2021 – Narok Senator, Ledama Ole Kina, has spoken about the ongoing rebellion in the Mt Kenya region, where residents don’t want to hear anything to do with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Despite President Kenyatta taking all the developments to the vote-rich region during his 8-year rule, he is currently a persona non-grata in the region.

The Head of State has completely lost control of the region and the recently concluded by-elections in Juja and Rurii ward in Nyandarua County were a clear indicator of how bad things are.

Commenting about the rebellion in Mt Kenya, Ole Kina blamed the leadership of Murang’a County for being behind President Uhuru Kenyatta’s woes. 

Muranga County: Governor Kichwa Ngumu! Senator Kichwa Ngumu Women Rep Kichwa Ngumu! 

“Sasa! It seems all of us are cut from the same cloth including myself,” Ole Kina wrote on his Twitter page.

Murang’a Governor is Mwangi Wa Iria, Senator is Irungu Kang’ata while the Woman Representative is Sabina Chege.

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