Madness? EMBARAMBAMBA almost hit by a bodaboda while pulling daring stunts along a busy Nairobi road during a video shoot (WATCH).

 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – Embarambamba’s daring stunts almost turned deadly when he was shooting a music video along a busy road in Nairobi.

Dressed in his signature attire, the controversial Kisii gospel singer tried to cross the road while jumping up and down like a mad man without following the basic road protocols of looking right and left before crossing.

A motorbike rider who was speeding almost hit the energetic singer but he managed to dodge.

Kenyans have been questioning Embarambamba’s mental status even as he insists that he is mentally stable despite the crazy stunts that he pulls in his music videos.

Moral cop Ezekiel Mutua even promised to offer him a job so that he can stop his madness.

Watch the video.

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