MAINA KAMANDA admits UHURU has performed poorly – He should have consulted KIBAKI on how to run the economy

 Monday, May 3, 2021 – Former Starehe MP Maina Kamanda has now admitted that President Uhuru Kenyatta is a failure and cannot be compared to his predecessor Mwai Kibaki.

In an exclusive interview with Inooro TV on Monday, Kamanda said Uhuru has performed dismally and blamed Uhuru’s advisors over the mess.

Kamanda was responding to a question by an Inooro TV journalist who asked him why is it that during Kibaki’s time people had money in their pockets.

“President Kibaki did great because he was controlling the whole budget and there were no devolved units. Uhuru has to share the national revenue with the counties. 

“President Uhuru is also surrounded by a lot of people who misadvise him. For example, there is a cabinet secretary who ordered the destruction of goods belonging to Nairobi businessmen claiming that they were counterfeit. 

“Others have been ordering demolitions of houses belonging to innocent Kenyans without the knowledge of the president,” Kamanda said.

“The government is not operated by a single person. This may be the reason Kibaki was able to do better economically than Uhuru. 

“However, the current head of state has done marvelously in infrastructural projects,” Kamanda added.

Maina, who is currently Jubilee nominated MP, argued that most of the cabinet secretaries are not in touch with the people in the ground because they were appointed from managerial positions.

He said that the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) will solve some of these problems because ministers will be appointed from politicians who will understand the situation of ordinary citizens.

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