MILLICENT OMANGA is going home just like her friend ISAAC MWAURA – See the genius move Jubilee has pulled to pave the way for her removal from the senate

 Thursday May 13, 2021 – Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga is on her way out of the senate if the Jubilee Party’s genius move is anything to go by.

According to Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe, the party has already secretly expelled Veronica Maina, who has been the stumbling block in their effort kick out Jubilee rebel Millicent Omanga.

Murathe noted that they held a clandestine campaign to expel Veronica Maina within Jubilee ranks and the campaign has been successful.

“There has been one stumbling block for the Jubilee party which has been standing in the way of them expelling rebel nominated senator Millicent Omanga, and that stumbling block goes by the name Veronica Maina.”

“But through a campaign that has been largely kept away from the media, we have already successfully expelled Veronica from Jubilee.”

“This, in essence means, the way has now been paved for the removal of Millicent Omanga as a nominated senator,” Murathe said during an interview.

The way through which Veronica Maina became so entangled in the Jubilee melee and became such a headache for the party is almost comical and amusing as it turns out that if Millicent Omanga was to be removed, then the person to replace her was going to be Veronica Maina.

However, Veronica has since become such a staunch supporter of Deputy President William Ruto that she has even gotten a post in UDA’s Secretariat.

Removing Omanga, thus meant, bringing on board an even more fierce rebel. However, with her removal from the party, that problem now appears solved.

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