MOSES KURIA and NDINDI NYORO will regret opposing the BBI Bill – See what angry UHURU has in store for them


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 – Gatundu South MP, Moses Kuria, and his Kiharu counterpart Ndindi Nyoro, may live to regret why they opposed the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Bill, going by what President Uhuru Kenyatta has in store for them.

On Tuesday, the Speaker of the National Assembly wrote to the two outspoken MPs and ordered them to appear before him to substantiate allegations of bribery during the voting of the BBI bill last week.

Kuria, Nyoro, and Nyali MP, Mohamed Ali claimed MPs were bribed with Sh 100,000 each by the leader of the Majority, Amos Kimunya, to support the BBI bill.

Speaking on the floor of the House on Tuesday, Kitui Central MP Makali Mulu raised the matter and said the MPs should be summoned for soiling the good names of MPs.

“Members of this House are all honourable members. They have been elected by Kenyans and have a chance to say Yes or NO.

"It was very wrong that the member was saying the 235 members who voted Yes could only do that after being given KSh 100,000,” Mulu said

“How can a member in this House call another member a coward, sell-outs? 

“We need your (speaker’s) intervention so that we remain honourable members,” Mulu added.

Muturi, in response, said he has summoned the three MPs to explain why they used abusive language and disrespected MPs who supported the bill.

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