MUTAHI KAGWE chides RUTO after BBI bill passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and National Assembly and says this about Mt. Kenya region

 Wednesday, May 12, 2021 – Health Cabinet Secretary, Mutahi Kagwe, has joined Kenyans in celebrating the passing of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill by the National Assembly and the Senate.

The Bill now awaits the assent of the President before it goes to the referendum, where the ‘rubber will meet the road’.

Speaking to Inooro TV on Wednesday, Kagwe said the success of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) in both Houses shows the vote-rich Mt Kenya region is behind President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“We were told that no one, not even a cat, would vote for the bill. So we went to Sagana and talked to the president and we exchanged views.

“They said the ward representatives had been bribed to pass it, so we said, let’s wait for the National Assembly and the Senate and now you see what happened,” Kagwe bragged.

Kagwe further chided Deputy President William Ruto and his allies for boasting about numbers after dishing out ‘a few billions in churches’.

“Did you say the BBI would fail because you were in a church where you gave KSh 2 billion? 

“I have a lot of political experience and I will tell you this…Mt Kenya region speaks as one voice when it matters,” the CS stated.

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