Nairobi shamba la mawe: See the new trick thugs are using to steal from motorists in traffic jam! WAH!! (VIDEO).

 Wednesday, 26 May 2021 – Nairobi thugs have devised a new method of stealing from motorists especially when there is a traffic snarl-up.

This new method involves no force and before you realize you have lost your valuables, the thugs are nowhere to be seen.

In a video shared online exposing the cunning trick, three men, who are believed to be part of a notorious gang in Nairobi that is targeting motorists, are seen walking towards a private car that was caught in a traffic snarl-up.

One of the men pretends he is informing the driver that the rear tire has a problem.

As the driver was looking behind to check the tire, the other two men moved to the passenger’s front seat and picked unknown valuables, and then disappeared.

The driver was alone in the car and the passenger’s window was open.

The incident happened in less than 1 minute.

Watch video.

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