Party after party! RUTO excites a crowd with a phone call as he celebrates court ruling that stopped RAILA’s BBI reggae – See what he told the UDA crowd

 Sunday, May 16, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto excited a crowd that had gathered to listen to fronted UDA candidate for Rurii Ward in Nyandarua County on Friday.

The DP made a phone call to Francis Muraya Githaiga and rallied residents in the area to vote for him in the by-election slated for May 18, 2021.

The residents shouted and celebrated as the DP shared greetings in the Kikuyu dialect and went on to address them.

“Habari ya Nyandarua, sasa mnajua Githaiga ni mtu wetu wa UDA, chama ya kazi ni kazi na mnaelewa wira ni wira. Nimeshukuru sana na ninamwombea huyo mungwana kura.

(How is Nyandarua? Githaiga is in the UDA party and I am requesting you to vote for him. He is in a party that believes in working for its people),” the DP rallied as the residents promised to vote for him.

The DP also celebrated the ruling by the five-judge bench on Thursday that stopped the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

“Si mliona mambo Mungu alifanya jana. (I’m sure you all saw what God did yesterday),” Ruto stated as residents cheered him on.

The DP’s excitement has not gone without ruffling feathers especially among politicians allied to President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga.

“I find it very interesting that a Deputy President can find this much joy in the fact that that a process that his boss the president has poured his heart and soul into, has been stopped. This is very telling,” Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu stated.

The BBI team, led by Junet Mohammed, has since indicated that a legal team will be constituted to appeal the judgment.

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