RAILA’s ODM now splits into two following ORENGO’s stand on the controversial BBI document – Is this the beginning of the end of ODM?

 Monday, May 3, 2021 – Siaya Senator James Orengo’s recent position on Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) has split Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) right in the middle.

Orengo has been accused of not speaking the same language as his Party leader Raila Odinga regarding BBI, where he has vehemently opposed the creation of 70 constituencies as proposed in the BBI if Migori, Kisii, Busia, and Homa Bay will not benefit.

Besides, he termed the creation of the new constituencies as unconstitutional.

 “Orengo co-chaired the committee that produced the final bill.”

“He cannot turn around now to say we didn’t agree on this or that.”

“He cannot run away from his baby.”

“He is essentially trying to disown a document himself by being a co-captain author.”

“It is the height of political dishonesty,” Minority Whip in the National Assembly Junet Mohamed stated.

Junet asked the politicians opposing the BBI, especially those from the ODM camp, to retrace their steps, the journey the BBI has gone through, saying they may have forgotten where the country was before BBI.

Orengo’s sentiments have been interpreted to mean that some monkey business must have been at play between when the final BBI draft was produced and when it was taken to the county assemblies for voting.

“I have seen people accuse me that I may have sold out ODM by not signing the document page by page to guard against possible alterations, but it was the work of the chairman to sign if at all, not me as an ordinary member,” said Junet.

However, the Siaya senator said he was out to ensure that the constitutional amendments cater to all, not just a few.

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