Rogue cop arrested over murder – See what DCI unearthed after forensic investigations.


A Police officer based at Dabel Police Station in Moyale has been arrested by homicide detectives, being the main suspect in the brutal torture and subsequent murder of one Joshua Mungai, who until his death was a Matatu conductor at Stage One, in Ongata Rongai.

Police Constable Edwin Oscar Okimaru was arrested last night after intensive investigations involving the DCI Homicide branch, Cybercrime, and Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau forensically placed him at the scene of the gruesome murder.

Earlier, the family of the late victim had in a heart-rending appeal requested the DCI to take over the matter from Ongata Rongai Police Station, where the case had been reported.

In our findings that involved investigative interviewing of eyewitnesses, forensic autopsy analysis by Chief Government Pathologist Dr. Johansen Oduor, and combing of the scene, the detectives indeed concluded that the suspect was at the scene of the murder, on the fateful night.

On April 18th last month at around 10 pm, the deceased alongside two others only identified as Njenga and George were arrested for violating curfew orders by the suspects.

The three were assaulted before being bundled into the trunk of a private car. The vehicle was then driven to Tuala bridge area, where the victims were dumped. 

Miraculously, George who had been tied up using a rope managed to free himself, before rescuing to safety the deceased and Njenga who had been badly assaulted.

George then managed to hail a Boda Boda rider who was riding past and together, they helped the deceased who couldn’t walk, on the motorbike. 

However, they couldn’t assist the deceased to the hospital, for fear of coming across the two suspects who had beaten them senseless.

Helplessly, George and Njenga limped to different directions, leaving the deceased close to Nazarene University, unaware of the dangers posed by hyenas and other carnivores, that scavenge in the nearby Nairobi National Park at night.

Luckily the following morning, a good samaritan assisted the deceased to Ongata Rongai health center, where he received first aid before being transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital, in critical condition.

Unfortunately, two days later Joshua passed away while undergoing treatment.

Forensic analysis later conducted, indeed concurred with eyewitnesses accounts that the deceased died as a result of chest injuries due to blunt trauma.

The deceased also suffered broken ribs and bones, indicating that he had been tortured prior to his death. 

Detectives are still pursuing more leads into the murder most foul, with a view of gathering more evidence and making subsequent arrests.

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