RUTO now faces imminent impeachment after the BBI loss on Thursday as UHURU and RAILA plot to send the DP home permanently – Look!

 Saturday, May 8, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has landed in deep trouble yet again after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s allies renewed impeachment calls for him, barely a day after the National Assembly passed the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Bill, which he was opposed to.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, National Assembly Majority Leader and Kipipiri MP – Amos Kimunya – warned Ruto that he will be kicked out of government unless he toes the line and respects President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Kimunya argued that Uhuru’s camp has the requisite numbers to eject the DP from office.

This was after 235 out of 320 MPs voted for the BBI Bill. Only 83 MPs stood with Ruto by voting NO to the controversial BBI Bill.

“Those who have been promised wheelbarrows in future must read the mood.”

“The ground is solidly behind the president.”

“We hope their leader has seen the light and will stop defying the President.”

“If he continues with his defiance, these numbers give us confidence and we could escalate things to the next step (impeachment) we have the numbers,” Kimunya warned. 

The MPs added that they only require 233 votes to impeach Ruto who had bragged of having lawmakers’ support, only to be stunned by the BBI vote outcome. 

ODM Minority Whip, Junet Mohamed, cautioned that they had proved that numbers don’t lie.

The Suna East MP added that the BBI vote further demystified the popularity and mass following claims synonymous with Ruto’s camp. 

“We are merely being magnanimous.”

“These numbers can lead to other things.”

“They can make somebody lose his job as provided for in the constitution.”

“However, we are focusing on peacebuilding and wouldn’t want to try that route now,” Junet forewarned. 

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