Sad details of how BASHIR MOHAMUD was tortured by butchers of men before his body was dumped in a river in Kirinyaga – He died a painful death.


Sunday, May 23, 2021 – Youthful Somali-American businessman, Bashir Mohamud, died a painful death after he was abducted by mysterious men soon after leaving Miale Lounge in Lavington last week.

The body of the 35-year-old businessman was found at Kerugoya Level 5 Hospital, more than 130 Kilometres from where he was last seen.

Bashir’s lawyer, Charles Madowo, said he was tortured to death since the body had signs of panga cuts and two bullets in the head.

The family lawyer promised that he will not rest until his client’s killers are brought to book.

“As the family processes this tragic news and plan for his burial, they request that they be accorded privacy. 

“Even as Bashir rests, the family shall not rest until justice has been served and those responsible for his death brought to book,” said the lawyer.

According to the investigating officer, Bernard Korir, Bashir’s body was found floating at River Nyamindi in Mwea, Kirinyaga County by the residents.

“The body was discovered last Sunday, May 16 in the downstream area of the Nyamindi River. The body had deep cuts in the face,” he said.

“The residents then reported the matter to the police who helped in retrieving the body and took it to the Kerugoya hospital morgue, where it was booked under ‘an unidentified body belonging to a male adult,” he added.

Korir said after taking the fingerprints of the deceased, they sent them to the national registrar, which processed and confirmed the identity of the body as Bashir’s.  

The deceased businessman was a director of Infinity Development Company which deals in construction.

His company secured a lot of Government tenders.

Bashir was reportedly on police radar for financing terror activities.

He leaves behind a wife and a two weeks old baby.

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