Spoilt kid: The son of a wealthy Nairobi businessman reveals why he abandoned a posh BMW in the middle of the road, causing panic.

 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – Detectives have unearthed the mystery surrounding a BMW that was found abandoned in the middle of the road in Naivasha over the weekend.

Photos of the posh BMW were circulated on social media, prompting detectives to swing into action.

The vehicle was towed to Naivasha Police Station and after investigations, it was established that it was abandoned by Nahashon Wagema, the son of a prominent businessman based in Nairobi.

When Nahashon was summoned to record a statement, he told detectives that the car developed mechanical problems when he was driving to Naivasha for merrymaking with his friends.

Instead of asking for help, they abandoned it in the middle of the road and went on with their merry-making, causing panic among the residents and motorists who use the busy road.

According to Naivasha DCIO, Adan Hassan, the middle-aged man picked the car from the family’s parking yard without his father’s knowledge and drove to Naivasha with his friends.

“The vehicle developed mechanical problems in the middle of the road and the occupants abandoned it there. The father was taken aback by the incident,’’ Hasan said.

When his rich father was contacted, he said that he was also shocked by the incident since his spoilt son didn’t make any distress call after the vehicle broke down.

The abandoned vehicle had caused a lot of tension due to the rising cases of people being abducted, killed and their vehicles abandoned.

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