The High Court ruling just made it easy for UHURU and RAILA to pass BBI – Look! RUTO didn’t see this coming.


Sunday, May 16, 2021 – The Thursday ruling by the High Court over the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) may have made things easier for President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga.

According to renowned political analyst, Mutahi Ngunyi, the five-judge bench ruling may be a blessing in disguise for the proponents of BBI.

He argued that Uhuru can achieve the same results by amending the Constitution through a Parliamentary initiative as opposed to taking the bill through a referendum.

“What these judges have done is that they have given Uhuru an easy way.”

“Why spend Ksh14 billion doing a referendum if you can achieve in Parliament within a very short time all the things that you require and you can do it almost immediately?” he posed.

This comes even as the BBI proponents went back to the drawing board as they prepare to appeal the ruling on Monday.

The Five-judge bench declared BBI, unconstitutional, illegal, null, and void; a move that saw anti-BBI forces, led by Deputy President William Ruto, celebrate.

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