This is the powerful lady who might save UHURU from further BBI embarrassment and it is not MARTHA KOOME – LOOK!

 Monday, May 17, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is still hiding in State House, Nairobi after the High Court declared his Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) as unconstitutional.

Last week, a five-Judge bench shocked the Executive to the core after declaring the process that started in 2018 as null and void.

However, Uhuru may smile in the coming days after Attorney General Paul Kihara Kariuki appealed the ruling at the Court of Appeal on Monday.

Over the next couple of days, and weeks, all eyes will be intently and keenly on Lady Justice Wanjiku Karanja, who is the acting Court of Appeal President.

The ultimate face of BBI now lies with Wanjiku Karanja, who will now appoint the panel of judges to hear the appeal case.

Judge Wanjiku Karanja may appoint a bench that may favour President Uhuru Kenyatta since she is among judges who have been promoted due to ‘connections’ and not due to their qualifications or a momentous jurisprudence.

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