This is what ORENGO has said after meeting his boss, RAILA ODINGA, on Monday – Don’t Joke with BABA!

 Monday, May 10, 2021 – Siaya Senator, James Orengo, on Monday, met Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga where they discussed issues facing the Orange party, particularly the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2022 popularly known as the BBI bill, that has sharply divided the opposition outfit.

The meeting was attended by Raila, ODM deputy party leader, Wycliffe Oparanya, and Kitui Governor, Charity Ngilu.

Orengo has of late differed with his party’s position on the BBI and that was the reason he was summoned by Raila Odinga at his Karen home.

Orengo wanted the bill to be amended in Parliament but Raila Odinga and his allies wanted the document passed without adding a comma or a full stop.

Commenting on Twitter after meeting Raila, Orengo shared photos of himself meeting with the enigma, Oparanya, and Ngilu.

“Very refreshing to catch up with my Party Leader Hon. Raila Odinga, Governor Wycliffe Oparanya & Mama Charity Ngilu,” wrote Orengo on his Twitter handle.

This meeting comes hours before the Senate, where Orengo is the Minority Leader, is expected to discuss the Bill and he is supposed to show ODM lawmakers on the direction they should take when it comes to the voting of the Bill.

Sources said Orengo agreed to support the Bill.

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