This is what UHURU has said after a Luo man stopped his motorcade at Lucky Summer


Thursday, May 27, 2021 – The Government has responded to yesterday’s incident in Lucky Summer estate where President Uhuru Kenyatta‘s motorcade was stopped for seven seconds by an unidentified man putting the life of the Head of State in danger.

The man identified as Pius Ouma was in the crowd that was waiting for the president after he opened Neema Slaughterhouse in Lucky summer.

When Ouma saw the President’s motorcade, he walked to the middle of the road and managed to block the President‘s car.

In a split second, a few other people at the roadside also attempted to move closer to the President’s car but they, alongside the intruder, were repulsed by the President’s security detail which violently pushed him off the road.

Speaking on Thursday, Government Spokesman, Cyrus Oguna, described the man as just an ‘overzealous citizen who was excited to see President Kenyatta.’

“On 26 May 2021, an individual stepped in front of the Presidential motorcade during the president’s tour at Lucky Summer, Nairobi County,” Oguna said

“The individual is a citizen who was only excited to see the motorcade of His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

“We wish to allay any fears that the President’s security was under threat,” Oguna added.

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