This is why residents of Gatundu, UHURU’s home village, are demonstrating – The President has nowhere to hide!

 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 – Chaos and pandemonium rocked a small town in the Gatundu South constituency yesterday after residents took their anger to the streets in protests of bad roads in the area.

The residents of Kahunguini village, which is President Uhuru Kenyatta’s hometown, came out in large numbers and pleaded with the government to come to their rescue.

The bad state of the roads has been worsened by the ongoing rains which have made the road impassable. 

The incident will no doubt raise further questions on the work being done by area MP Moses Kuria. 

Most roads in Gatundu South Constituency look like cattle dips despite being the hometown of two of the four presidents that have ruled Kenya since 1963.

 Founding Father Late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was born and raised in Gatundu and his son, Uhuru Kenyatta, was also born and raised in Gatundu.

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