UDA will die once DP RUTO names his running mate in 2022 – Prof. HERMAN MANYORA predicts

Friday, May 28, 2021 – University of Nairobi don and seasoned political analyst, Prof. Herman Manyora, has predicted doom for United Democratic Alliance (UDA), saying the outfit will collapse before 2022 polls.

Commenting on Twitter on Thursday, Manyora said UDA, which is associated with Deputy President William Ruto, will begin its journey to the grave once Ruto names his running mate in the 2022 presidential election.

“And UDA may break into small pieces the moment Ruto names his running mate!,” Manyora wrote on his page.

The DP is planning to use UDA to succeed his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is retiring in 2022.

With the presidential election around the corner, Ruto is planning to choose his deputy from the Mt Kenya region.

Manyora’s statement seems to carry some truth as wrangles in the region that the deputy is likely to pick his deputy from intensify creating more divisions.

Currently, Mt Kenya is divided into Mt Kenya West which comprises Central Kenya and Nakuru County, and Mt Kenya East which consists of Meru, Embu, and Tharaka Nithi Counties.

Mt Kenya West has 3.9 million voters while Mt Kenya East has 1.2 million voters.

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