UHURU meets RUTO for the first time after RAILA’s BBI reggae was stopped and after the DP humiliated him in recent by-elections

 Thursday, May 27, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, met for the first time in months during the National Prayer Breakfast at Parliament Buildings.

This is after their relationship went south since the famous March 2018 handshake between Uhuru and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

The duo was joined by various leaders, among them, former Vice Presidents Kalonzo Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi.

The meeting comes only days after the High Court stopped Raila Odinga’s BBI reggae which Ruto was opposed to from the onset.

It also comes hot on the heels of Jubilee’s dismal performance in the recent by-elections in which Ruto and his allies triumphed.

Ruto has been missing in action in several government events with the latest being the launch of the Lamu Port.

The deputy president had admitted all was not well within the ruling Jubilee Party in his latest media interview.

He regretted what he termed as unfortunate controversies, ouster plots, and political backstabbing facing deputy presidents in Kenya since the country gained independence in 1963.

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