Wealthy bachelor, MAINA KAGENI, promises to fund JALANGO’s campaigns and gives him a secret to secure the Lang’ata seat.

 Wednesday, 26 May 2021 – Kiss 100 presenter, Jalang’o, who is vying for the Lang’ata Parliamentary seat, has been endorsed by seasoned radio presenter, Maina Kageni.

Maina, who is known for his deep pockets, promised that he will fund Jalango’s political campaigns and advised him to run as an independent candidate.

Kageni told Jalas that if he decides to run on maybe Jubilee or ODM party ticket, he will lose but if he goes in the race as an independent candidate, he will win.

“If you stand as Jalang’o you will be elected but there is this need to belong to a certain party and that is the end of logical thinking.

“Langata is a very urban constituency…you can do

it. Run as an independent…I will give you money and I will be at your rallies,” he said.

The flashy radio king showered praises to Jalang’o for his philanthropic activities and revealed he has what it takes to become a leader.

Raila’s aide, Silas Jakakimba, will be Jalang’o’s close competitor in the race.

Jalango is banking on his popularity to woo voters.

However, most celebrities who venture into politics end up losing badly.

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